Let us know how we can help you with your bees and honey. We offer bespoke beekeeping services to the existing beekeeper including honey extraction, bottling and labelling services, apiary management, hive construction, installation of a hive and bees in your garden and a free swarm collection service. We also offer advice to people wishing to start out on their beekeeping adventure.
Hill House, Framingham Earl Road, Yelverton, Norwich, NR14 7PD, United Kingdom
Tel: 01508 491115 Mobile: 07711 517896 Email: angliahoneyservices@yahoo.com
Today | By Appointment |
Don't worry! Should you be lucky enough to have a swarm of honey bees land in your garden, just call me on the mobile number above and I shall come and take care of it for you if I am available. If you give them a wide berth, they should leave you alone. See my "Swarms!" page for details.